Tris is now in a different room seated in a chair with Jeanine at a desk in front of her. Amid tears, she begs Jeanine for answers about Tobias’ whereabouts. Jeanine tells her that she doesn’t have any reason to tell her about Tobias, unless Tris gives her more information. Jeanine, than, asks Tris for some information. She wants to know what side Tris relates to the most. Tris, teasing Jeanine, tells her that she doesn’t have any reason to disclose that information.
Jeanine is quick to have Peter bring over some serum. Tris injects the serum herself and she soon enters a dream-like state.
In Tris’ serum-induced dream, she is on a bus with her mother headed for the Erudite compound. They are surrounded by war-torn buildings as they travel. According to Natalie, her mother, the Erudite are going to provide assistance. Tris knows that her father hated the Erudite and would never go there, so Tris is unsure why they are willing to trust the Erudites suddenly.
As they walk off the bus, Natalie reminds Tris of all things that Erudites have done to help benefit them. They are, after all, the innovators that provided some things that make life better for everybody. She asks Tris to always recall this fact.
Tris is bothered by the way her mom phrased her Erudite compliment. Natalie said it as if she won’t be around much longer. Tris tells her mother that she loves her. Suddenly, a window-breaking explosion occurs that serves as the conclusion of the simulation.
Tris wakes up in the room with Jeanine still there.