Tris wakes up to Tobias shaving. She must leave because today it is her turn to the work in the laundry room. When she gets to her own room she sees Peter there. Tris, of course, demands that he leave her room. He asks her why she’s keeping her eyes on Marcus. He also asks her why she’s in charge of the hard drive. Tris accuses Peter of wanting to use the hard drive to bribe his way into the protecting arms of the Erudite. Peter makes it clear he does not want to do so; he doesn’t want to be controlled by anybody, including the Erudite .
Tris and Peter continue to argue. Tris notices that Peter is already in possession of the hard drive. Their conversation becomes physical when Tris attempts to retrieve the hard drive. She punches him where she knows it will hurt, the arm where she originally shot him. She isn’t able to land the punch, but she yanks at his arm to hurt him. At this point, Peter has already backed up into the hallway and other people are beginning to come to the scene.
People begin to intervene. Peter ends up on the floor and Tris is held back. By now, Tobias is there and Tris tells him that Peter has the hard drive. Tobias walks to Peter and he steals back the hard drive from his pocket. He gives Peter a stern warning about his behavior.
Tris is escorted away from the fight scene. She has broken one of the conditions set forth by the Amity’s vote. Tris is taken to the conflict room where she is told to sit down. She tells her Amity escorts that she is done fighting. There are two Amity present, a young man and an old man. The young man informs her that they will discuss the situation. The older man decides to make some tea.
Soon, the men ask Tris what she believes would be a good solution to her conflict with Peter. Tris is quick to reply that she believes they should just kick Peter out of the compound. Tris cites the other evil things that Peter has done. She believes that Peter is naturally a bad person.
Unexpectedly, Tris is poked in the neck by a syringe. She has been injected with some kind of liquid that makes her very relaxed, dizzy, and happy. Tris asks where she can find Tobias. She comments on how Tobias likes her even though she doesn’t understand why. She doesn’t see herself as too kind, yet he sees something in her. They tell her to go to the orchard to find him.
The whole world is swaying for Tris. She goes outside and searches for Tobias in the orchard. Tobias comes out after Tris yells out to him. He embraces Tris to keep her from falling, and before he can ask her what is wrong, she kisses him. When Tobias is given a chance to speak, he asks Tris what happened to her. It’s almost as if she’s drunk.
He is intent on figuring out what the Amity did to her. He picks her up and carries her to Johanna at her workplace. Johanna admits that she must have received an overdose of a peace serum. Tobias, angry, is direct and stern when speaking to Johanna about this situation.
Regardless of the serum, Johanna admits that Tris probably won’t be able to stay long due to her conflict with Peter. In fact, she knows that peace can only be kept if the Amity and Dauntless stay away from each other. For whatever reason, these two factions seem to hold a grudge towards each other (probably because their ideals are so different).
Tobias calls Johanna out for trying to be peaceful while factions are being taken over through brainwashing. They follow a strict protocol of peace, while others around them suffer due to injustices. Johanna confesses that if she were in charge of things then everything would be different. The Amity feel different than she does.
Tobias admits to Johanna that they will be leaving soon. Soon, they no longer will present a problem to the Amity. Peter, though, will not be welcome to come with them. He will be their problem.
Before they leave, Johanna warns them that the bread the Amity make contains the peace serum. Tobias had a hunch that the Amity placed the serum in their drinking water. His thoughts were, apparently, not too far off.