Later that day, Tris runs into Al in the dormitory. He tells Tris that he couldn’t bear to see his parents and lie to them on how poorly he has been doing. He admits that his parents always looked up to the Dauntless. Al, himself, wanted to stand up for others so he chose to go from the Candor to the Dauntless. Now, he finds that he isn’t helping others but hurting them.
While everybody else continues visiting with their families, Tris decides to stay there with Al. He puts his arm around her and she fears that he has a crush on her. She leans so that his arm falls off of her. He tries to apologize and the two share an awkward moment. Tris decides to leave.
Later, Tris meets up with her friends at dinner. Nearby, Peter, Molly, and Drew sit and chat about rankings. At Tris’ table, though, Christina and Will talk about how Will’s faction didn’t allow people to have pets. Christina is baffled by such a notion. Christina begins conversing about one of her pet dogs.
The conversation leads to them talking about the dog in the aptitude test. They all talk about how they had to kill the dog to begin Dauntless. When Tris is questioned about killing the dog, the Candors at the table know that she’s uncomfortable with talking about the test results. They were raised to read body language to be able to tell when people are telling the truth or telling a fib. Tris admits that she didn’t kill the dog and was chosen as Abnegation; regardless, though, she chose to be Dauntless.
After dinner, the group returns to the dormitory. There, Four is ready to announce the rankings for the transfer initiates. After going through a brief description on how they were ranked, Four reveals the rankings. From the top to the bottom, the transfer initiates were ranked as such: Edward, Peter, Will, Christina, Molly, Tris, Drew, Al, and Myra. The Dauntless initiates were also ranked and it is their rankings that will determine which of all of the initiates will remain Dauntless and which will become factionless.
Tris is surprised that she is in sixth place. She knows that beating Molly in a fight helped secure her position. Molly too is surprised at her rank. She figures that she beat Christina and she should be ranked higher than her. Four points out that Molly’s defeat by Tris’ hands is what lowered her rank. Molly mutters a threat at Tris and stampers off.
Tris notices that Peter goes about his business as if he wasn’t ranked second. Knowing Peter, though, he isn’t happy with his position.
Will, Christina, and Tris are excited about the results. Al, on the other hand, doesn’t share their enthusiasm. Behind the enthusiasm they all share, Tris is well aware of the fact that these friends may soon become her enemies as they all try to compete for higher ranks.
Later that night, Tris lies in bed wondering about her mother. She can’t help but wonder if any of the current Dauntless knew her. She wonders about her mom’s curiosity with the serum. She also wonders why her mother refused to answer her questions.
Tris’ wandering mind is interrupted by commotion in the dorm room. Above all else, a scream of extreme agony and pain fills the room. Once the lights are turned on, the group finds Edward on the floor with a butter knife stuck in his eye. There is blood everywhere and Edward is in immense pain.
Some of the others panic, one of them throws up, one person calls for help. All the while, Tris uses the Abnegation in her to put Edward first. She kneels by his side and mimics her mother’s nurturing care as she is there for Edward. Finally, a nurse arrives to help Edward and he is taken away.
Drew and Peter are missing from the dorm room. They are the likely culprits.
Tris cleans herself off in the bathroom. She was covered with Edward’s blood. Then, she cleans up the bloody mess in the dorm with Christina’s help.
The transfer initiates struggle with coping with the gruesome occurrence throughout the night and then they struggle with it the next day. It was a scheduled free day and they had little to do but dwell on what happened to Edward.
Will and Tris spend some time together while their friends nap. They both know that telling on Drew and Peter will do no good, since leaders like Eric won’t do anything to punish them. Will then quotes the Dauntless manifesto, written when the factions were created. The manifesto stated that bravery consisted of ordinary acts of courage, like standing up for other people.
Tris takes a moment to think about what Will is saying. The Dauntless have strayed far from their original manifesto. She also thinks about how the other factions have too strayed far from their original roots.
When Tris returns to the dorm she learns that Edward and Mayra have quit. They quit before they could have been cut.
Tris also learns that two of the Dauntless initiates have been cut. For now, Tris and her friends are safe from being deemed factionless.