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 by Veronica Roth
Later, the protagonist finds herself in the cafeteria with her brother and their neighbor, Susan. There, they wait to be called in for the aptitude test. 

As they wait, the protagonist watches the other teenagers from different factions as they too wait to be called in. The Dauntless play games, the Erudites read, the Amity girls sing a song, and the Candor boys argue about a non-important issue. All the while, the protagonist and her faction of Abnegations just sit there. She describes how the factions decide how each individual must behave, even in these types of scenarios.  

Her brother is called in. As he walks, she knows that he belongs with the Abnegation faction. He has always instinctively acted with selflessness. She, on the other hand, wasn’t born with such a selfless instinct. When her brother returns he is apparently shaken up with whatever was decided. Unfortunately, neither of them can discuss what happened to him.

A little while later, the protagonist is called in. When her name is shouted out it is finally revealed that our protagonist is called Beatrice Prior. Beatrice walks to the examination room with the nervous jitters.  
There, in the room, she is going to be tested by a Dauntless woman.  

The room is covered in mirrors and in the middle is a dentist-like chair. The Dauntless woman, Tori, prepares a machine in the room. As she works, Beatrice questions her about a hawk tattoo that she has on her neck. Tori is taken back a bit since Abnegations aren’t supposed to be curious, but she explains how the hawk represents the sun and how having a “sun” on her once helped her conquer her fear of the dark.

As Tori speaks, she hooks Beatrice up to electrodes. She then has Beatrice drink a liquid that causes her to pass out.  

Beatrice awakens in a dream. She is confronted with a choice: she must choose a piece of cheese or a knife. Confused by the whole situation, she chooses neither and both items disappear. Next, a growling dog appears and approaches her. She has to think fast and without a knife to fight it or cheese to feed it, she chooses to kneel down and simply face it. The dog gives her a warm, friendly slobbery welcome.  

Unexpectedly, a child appears and excitedly begins to run towards the dog. The dog has a change of face and it prepares to attack the child. To protect the child, Beatrice wraps herself around the dog. Suddenly, though, she is back in the testing room.

She is quick to realize, though, that she is still within the dream. She leaves the testing room and enters a bus. Within the bus, she must stand near a man who is reading about a murderer in the newspaper. He questions Beatrice, asking her if she recognizes the murderer’s picture. Knowing that this is all a test, she tells the man that she doesn’t know the murderer. Secretly, she recognizes the murderer. The man with the newspaper presses her for the truth. Regardless, Beatrice sticks with her lie.

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