Thomas is the main character in the book. The book opens with Thomas finding himself in a Box that brings him up into the Glade. The Glade is a large chunk of land that is surrounded by a giant Maze. Thomas finds that he is stuck in this area with a couple dozen other boys. The only way out of the Glade seems to be through the unsolvable Maze. All of the boys, Thomas included, have no recollection of their pasts. It’s as if their memories have been erased. Thomas is quick to become a member of their society; however, he is unique compared to the other boys. His insights, whether because of his intelligence or his secret past, pave the way for the boys to finally find a solution to the quandary that has become their lives.
At about seventeen, Alby is one of the older boys. He is the leader of the group. As the leader, he oversees the Keepers. The Keepers are basically the managers of the place. Each Keeper is in charge of a certain part of the Glade. For example, there’s a garden and a livestock area that each are overseen by a Keeper. Alby is a headstrong, type-A, personality who seems the perfect fit to be in charge. He’s not the warmest person, but he also isn’t cold-hearted.
Newt is the second in charge of the boys. When Alby is out of commission, it’s Newt who steps to the plate and leads the boys. He’s a fair leader who has a compassionate side. It’s his sense of compassion that makes it hard for him to make the tough decisions sometimes. He is one of Thomas’ closest allies.
Chuck is the first person in the Glades to really befriend Thomas. He shows Thomas the ropes of the place. When Thomas makes it to the Glades, he asks Chuck a whole lot of questions, but there’s only so much Chuck has answers to. Chuck can be an annoying little chatter-box; however, Thomas builds a close bond with him. Thomas almost seems like an older-brother type to him. Thomas goes as far as to promising Chuck that he will help him leave the Glade and get home to people who care about him.
Minho is the head of the Runners. As the Runner’s Keeper he oversees their daily ventures into the Maze. Thomas befriends and impresses Minho one evening when he helps him survive a night in the Maze. It’s Thomas ingenuity and bravery that lead him to develop a close friendship with Minho.
Gally has a grudge against Thomas from the very start. He goes through the Changing; and because of it he is able to see some memories, including a few truths about Thomas that makes him greatly despise him. Eventually, Gally goes insane when the other Keepers don’t see eye to eye with him. He disappears only to reappear in an unexpected spot later.

Teresa is the only girl to ever reach the Glades. She comes up from the Box after Thomas arrives. Strangely, she is in a coma for most of the time that she’s in the Glades. Her coma makes her origin story super mysterious. Stranger yet, Teresa comes to the Glades with a note that lets the Gladers know that she’s the last one who will ever come to the Glades. Later, when Teresa begins to slowly wake up from her coma, Thomas learns that he has a special bond with her: they’re able to speak to each other telepathically. She informs Thomas that she’s there to trigger the Ending. It’s apparent that Teresa and Thomas have a special history. Unfortunately, once Teresa totally wakes up and recovers from her coma, she has the same amnesia that everybody else has.
Frypan is an essential part of the Glades. He’s the cook who comes up with daily food creations for the Gladers to eat. He feeds them the three essential meals each day, breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Frypan seems like a pretty straight-to-the-point, logical person. He supports Thomas through and through when Thomas makes a decision that saves two lives, but both jeopardizes his own life and breaks the Gladers’ top rule.
Ben is a Runner who is going through the Changing when Thomas arrives. Ben’s experience when sick allows him to peer into hidden memories that reveal some pretty awful things about Thomas. These memoirs help to drive Ben insane. Ben’s insanity and his grudge against Thomas leads to this crazy boy’s ultimate demise.
Each section of the Glades is run by a manager, a “Keeper.” Winston is the Keeper for the Blood House. The Blood House is serves as both a farm for livestock, as well a slaughterhouse for the same animals. Thomas attempts to work at the Blood House, but he just doesn’t have the stomach for it.
Zart is the Keeper for the Gardens. He’s in charge of overseeing the growth and maintenance of the crops that the boys use as a chief food source. Unlike the other older boys, Zart is easy to make conversation with and he answers a few questions that Thomas has about how things work in the Glades.