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Thomas runs out to the West Doors to chase after Minho. Newt joins him shortly after at the foot of the entrance. Thomas is ready to go after Minho; however, Newt tries to explain some more pressing matters.  

Just as Newt is about to describe what’s happening, Minho returns. Minho says that he followed the Grievers and they went straight to the Griever Hole. Their suspicion on the exit seems to be correct.

Newt, then, has a chance to describe the bad situation. Turns out that somebody set fire to the Map Room. Thomas never saw the reason behind the maps, so he doesn’t see it as a big deal.

Soon after, Thomas finds her way to Teresa. She’s still locked up, but they talk to each from behind her bars. She starts thinking about the “code” that the Maze might reveal. Thomas starts thinking about it too. They begin to hypothesize that maybe the different sections of the Maze work in conjunction to spell something out with letters. The boys had thought that the Maze was moving to hint at an escape route, but letters had never come up.

Suddenly, it dawns on Thomas that the Map Room was set ablaze.


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 by James Dashner