Thomas is dead-set on going through with his plan. He knows that other people won’t be too pleased with his idea, so he doesn’t let anybody in on his plot.
That night, he gathers in the Homestead in the living room with several others, including Teresa. Thomas struggles to stay awake; he did, after all, stay up the past night in the Maze.
Hours later, the Grievers come. The group can hear a Griever crashing into the Homestead upstairs. They learn, from shouts, that it has grabbed a boy named Dave. With its victim in hand, the Griever comes crashing down to the bottom story and makes its own exit on the first floor.
Thomas, knowing that this is his chance to get stung, begins to chase the monster. Out in the Glade, he reaches the creature and he surprises its awaiting companions with his presence. Thomas, wanting to get stung, tries to grab Dave from the clutches of the Griever who kidnapped him. Suddenly, the other Grievers begin to attack him. Thomas is stung several times before he’s able to escape from them. With Dave in hand, the Grievers leave.
Help arrives soon after. Thomas is taken back to the Homestead where he learns he was stung at least twelve times. He is in a daze when he’s treated with the Grief Serum. He’s able to let them know, though, that he intended to get stung.