Minho and Thomas theorize that maybe there’s more to the Cliff than what they can see. They begin gathering rocks to throw off of the Cliff. Like usual, the rocks they throw just fall down into an endless nothing.
Minho thinks that maybe there’s a hidden exit just off of the edge of the Cliff. They begin to throw rocks into different directions, making notes on where they’re sending them. Perhaps, they can trigger the fake exit that the Grievers seem to be disappearing through.
The whole endeavor seems pointless. The rocks just keep falling down to the Cliff below. Finally, though, Minho throws a rock into the perfect spot. The rock disappears. It doesn’t fall, it just vanishes. Thomas is convinced the exit to the Maze it right there; it’s an illusion that keeps it concealed. They continue mapping out the exact diameters of the invisible exit by throwing more and more rocks. Minho coins the exit the “Griever Hole.”
When the two make it back to the Map Room, they map out what they saw like normal with the other Runners. Thomas looks at the past maps to search for patterns. He knows that there’s something there that he’s missing.
When Alby and Newt arrive, Alby reveals how the Box has stopped bringing its normal weekly supplies. Without the sun to grow crops and without the supplies, their end is inevitable. Luckily, Minho and Thomas at least have knowledge of what they discovered in the Maze. They share their findings with their two leaders.
Their conversation is interrupted by noise from the boys. The mysterious girl finally is starting to awaken from her coma.
Oddly, Thomas begins to hear the girl speaking to him again telepathically. She wants to tell him so much before she wakes up because once she’s awake, she’ll forget everything. She tells him that the “Maze is a code” over and over again.