The group continues to trace and stack each day’s set of maps. Soon enough, they spell out the words FLOAT and CATCH. They’re on a roll and they all know that this isn’t just a coincidence.
Eventually, Minho insists that they stop their arts and crafts activity to fulfill their duties as Runners. He thinks that he should be out running the Maze now with Thomas and the other Runners. Minho thinks that with the walls staying put, it’s more important than ever to go out exploring. Maybe, something new has come up. Newt agrees with Minho, and he is going to gather a few other boys to finish piecing the word puzzle together.
Soon enough, Minho and the other Runners begin gathering supplies for their run. Minho has decided that today they should do more than just a daily run; today, they’re also going to stay in the Maze during the night time. Maybe, since things are changing so much, a new hint, clue, or exit will appear.
Before they leave, Chuck comes by to say his goodbyes. He promises to look over Thomas’ “girlfriend” if necessary.
As Chuck walks off, Thomas shouts out to him. A while back, Thomas had promised that he would get Chuck safely home. He lets Chuck know that he will keep this promise.